2022 World Conference on Lung Cancer (Posters)
P1.02-02. Current Status, Challenges and Perspecti ...
P1.02-02. Current Status, Challenges and Perspectives of Lung Cancer Screening in Low- and Middle-Income Countries
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This document is an interim report by the Diagnostics Working Group of the IASLC Early Detection & Screening Committee, outlining the current obstacles and perspectives on lung cancer screening in low- and middle-income countries (LMIC). The aim of the report is to propose guidance and future research strategies for implementing lung cancer screening in LMIC. <br /><br />The report highlights that data on the status of lung cancer screening in LMIC is often scarce and opinion-based. The Diagnostics Working Group consists of members from both LMIC and high-income countries (HIC) who provided specific data from their respective countries. From the LMIC countries included in the report (Brazil, China, Colombia, India, Serbia, South Africa), only three have structured, institutional lung cancer screening programs, while one has a regional pilot program. In the HIC groups, members reported different forms of structured screening programs, including national/regional population-based or targeted screening programs, or research studies.<br /><br />To fully explore the perspectives of implementing lung cancer screening in LMIC, the relevance of lung cancer, etiological factors, healthcare resources, and cost/benefit ratio need to be carefully evaluated in each LMIC, considering evidence-based data and regional specificities. The report also identifies several challenges in implementing lung cancer screening in LMIC, such as lack of verified epidemiological data, healthcare system overload, reimbursement rules, availability of CT scanners and qualified healthcare personnel, and access to diagnostic services. <br /><br />The report concludes that broader discussions on lung cancer screening in both LMIC and HIC are of global importance, as many countries are hoping to implement screening programs in the near future. The IASLC Early Detection & Screening Committee has ongoing initiatives to address these challenges and support the implementation of lung cancer screening in LMIC.
Asset Subtitle
Milena Cavic, Serbia
Meta Tag
Milena Cavic, Serbia
Early Detection and Screening - Implementation
interim report
Diagnostics Working Group
lung cancer screening
low- and middle-income countries
structured screening programs
evidence-based data
global importance
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