2022 World Conference on Lung Cancer (Posters)
P2.04-03. Perceptions and Knowledge of Electronic ...
P2.04-03. Perceptions and Knowledge of Electronic Smoking Devices among Patients with Solid Tumours and their Care-Givers
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A study was conducted to assess the perceptions and knowledge of electronic smoking devices (ESDs) among patients with solid tumors and their caregivers. The survey was administered to patients treated at S. Luigi Gonzaga Hospital in Italy. The results showed that out of 80 participants, 44% were former smokers and 15% were active smokers. Among the active smokers, 30% had high or very high nicotine dependence. The majority of patients were affected by lung and prostate tumors. It was found that 70% of smokers have tried or are daily users of E-cigs. However, only 39% of participants knew at least one type of ESD, and only 12% had some knowledge about their components. In terms of perceptions, 53% did not think that ESDs could be useful for quitting traditional smoking, while 51% reported that ESDs could push never smokers to traditional smoking. Interestingly, 53% did not have any opinion about the potential harms of E-cigs, and 58% did not have any opinion about the potential harms of the "heat-not-burn" (HnB) devices. Overall, the study concluded that while the oncological patients and their caregivers had fair knowledge of ESDs, most of them did not have a perception of their potential harms. The findings suggest the need for awareness campaigns on the harms of ESDs for oncological patients and their caregivers, with a pivotal role for nursing in providing education and support.
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Paolo Bironzo, Italy
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Paolo Bironzo, Italy
Nursing and Allied Health Professionals
electronic smoking devices
patients with solid tumors
potential harms
oncological patients
awareness campaigns
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