2023 North America Conference on Lung Cancer (NACL ...
PP01.15 (Poster) Healthcare Costs Amongst Patients ...
PP01.15 (Poster) Healthcare Costs Amongst Patients with Non-Small Cell lung cancer (NSCLC) Before and After Testing with a Host Immune Classifier (HIC)
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A study presented at the IASLC 2023 North America Conference on Lung Cancer examined healthcare costs among patients with non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) before and after testing with a Host Immune Classifier (HIC). NSCLC is the leading cause of death from cancer in the US, and disease progression is associated with significantly higher costs compared to stable disease. The HIC is a blood-based immune profiling test that provides personalized information on a patient's immune response to their lung cancer.<br /><br />The study analyzed healthcare resource utilization and costs among NSCLC patients before and after HIC testing. The results showed that patients categorized as HIC-Cold (HIC-C) had higher healthcare costs both before and after testing compared to those categorized as HIC-Hot (HIC-H). HIC-H patients generally respond well to standard therapies, while HIC-C patients are unlikely to respond to immunotherapy alone and may benefit from additional therapies.<br /><br />The study also examined pre- and post-index work-up and treatment costs for NSCLC. There were no significant differences in imaging work-up costs between HIC-H and HIC-C patients. However, HIC-H patients had significantly lower costs related to lung biopsy compared to HIC-C patients. Post-index, HIC-H patients had significantly lower total medical costs compared to HIC-C patients.<br /><br />Additionally, the study analyzed costs based on metastatic status. Non-metastatic HIC-H patients had significantly lower inpatient costs, total medical costs, and total medical plus pharmacy costs compared to non-metastatic HIC-C patients. Among metastatic patients, HIC-H patients had significantly higher outpatient pharmacy costs.<br /><br />Overall, this study highlights the impact of HIC testing on healthcare costs among NSCLC patients. Understanding a patient's immune profile and metastatic status can help identify those who may benefit from additional support to manage increased costs.
Asset Subtitle
Kimberly Le
IASLC 2023
Host Immune Classifier
healthcare costs
disease progression
standard therapies
metastatic status
patient's immune profile
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