2023 World Conference on Lung Cancer (Posters)
EP04.05. Comparison of Two Enrolment Criteria in L ...
EP04.05. Comparison of Two Enrolment Criteria in Lung Cancer Screening Pilot Project in Estonia - PDF(Abstract)
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Pdf Summary
This summary discusses a study conducted in Estonia on the implementation of lung cancer screening (LCS) programs. The objective of the study was to evaluate the effectiveness of two different criteria used to enroll participants in a pilot project. The criteria evaluated were smoking status and a lung cancer risk score. The study analyzed data from a regional pilot project conducted between April 2022 and March 2023, involving approximately 10% of the country's population. Participants were enrolled by family physicians or nurses, and those who met either the smoking status criteria (20 pack-years, quit 15 years ago) or the risk score criteria (PLCOm2012noRace score of 1.5) underwent low-dose computed tomography (LDCT). <br /><br />A total of 3708 patients met one or both inclusion criteria and were referred to LDCT. In total, 3444 patients underwent LDCT and 28 lung cancer cases were confirmed. When assessed based on smoking status, 3499 patients (14.3% of the target age group) were eligible for screening, and 3254 patients underwent LDCT. 27 new lung cancer cases were detected (0.83%, 95% CI 0.55-1.21). When assessed based on the risk score, 2496 patients (10.2% of the target age group) were eligible for screening, and 2304 patients underwent LDCT. 25 new lung cancer cases were detected (1.09%, 95% CI 0.70-1.60). The study found that enrollment using either smoking status or the risk score was equally feasible. However, using the risk score criteria would have resulted in a significant reduction in the number of LDCTs performed. The study concludes that although there was no significant difference in the cancer detection rate between the two criteria, this may be due to the small number of lung cancer cases. Overall, the study highlights the importance of determining effective inclusion criteria for LCS programs.
Asset Subtitle
Tanel Laisaar
Meta Tag
Tanel Laisaar
Screening & Early Detection: Program Design
lung cancer screening
pilot project
smoking status
lung cancer risk score
low-dose computed tomography
enrollment criteria
cancer detection rate
inclusion criteria
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