ADAURA: A Lively Debate Among Key Voices
Podcast | English | 2020 | 40 Min
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The latest episode of Lung Cancer Considered focuses on the research from the ADAURA trial that came out of ASCO 2020. This episode features a conversation between IASLC Chief Science Officer, Dr. Chandra Belani; Dr. Nathan Pennell, professor of medicine and director of the Lung Cancer Medical Oncology Program at the Cleveland Clinic Taussig Cancer Institute; Dr. Jack West, an associate clinical professor in medical oncology, a specialist in thoracic oncology and executive director of employee services at City of Hope of Comprehensive Cancer Center; and Jill Feldman, lung cancer patient, patient advocate and co-founder of the group EGFRResisters.
Dr. Chandra Belani
Dr. Nathan Pennell
Dr. Jack West
Jill Feldman
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