Around The World: COVID-19 and Lung Cancer Tips and Experiences
Podcast | English | 2020 | 51 Min
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The newest episode of Lung Cancer Considered, the IASLC's official podcast program, focuses on a discussion between lung cancer experts from the U.S. and Europe discussing COVID-19 with regard to lung cancer patients with experiences, results and actions from different parts of the world. This episode features a conversation between Dr. Marty Edelman, chair of department of hematology/oncology and a professor, department of hematology/oncology at Fox Chase Cancer Center; Dr. Leora Horn, Ingram associate professor of cancer research at Vanderbilt Ingram Cancer Center and clinical director, thoracic oncology program; and Dr. Solange Peters, professor and chair of thoracic oncology at the University of Hospital Lausanne (CHUV), and current president of ESMO.
Dr. Marty Edelman
Dr. Leora Horn, Ingram
Dr. Solange Peters
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