Continuing the Conversation: Overcoming Lung Cancer Stigma
Podcast | English | 2020 | 46 Min
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The latest episode of Lung Cancer Considered brings you part two of our conversation on lung cancer stigma during Lung Cancer Awareness Month. This episode features a discussion with Jill Feldman, patient advocate; Terri Conneran, a three-time lung cancer survivor and advocate and director and founder of KRAS Kickers and the director of LiveLung International Relations; Jamie L. Studts, a professor in the division of medical oncology, department of medicine at the University of Colorado School of Medicine; and Mary Pasquinelli, a nurse practitioner in the Pulmonary Division at UI Health at the University of Illinois.
Jill Feldman
Terri Conneran
Jamie L. Studts
Mary Pasquinelli
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