Developing the Moderna Covid-19 Vaccine
Podcast | English | 2021 | 54 Min
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This special episode of Lung Cancer Considered features a conversation between host Dr. Stephen Liu and co-host Paul Bunn. Dr. Liu and Dr. Bunn are joined by, Dr. Tal Zaks, the chief medical officer at Moderna, and Dr. Amy Moore, a trained virologist and cancer researcher. Dr. Bunn is the founding director of the University of Colorado Cancer Center, former president of IASLC and ASCO. Dr. Moore serves as the director of Science and Research for the GO2 Foundation for Lung Cancer. Together, they discuss the development of the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine what lung cancer patients, doctors and advocates should know.
Dr. Stephen Liu
Dr. Paul Bunn
Dr. Tal Zaks
Dr. Amy Moore
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