Emerging Agents in Small Cell Lung Cancer
Podcast | English | 2024 | 41 Min
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Small cell lung cancer is a challenging subtype of lung cancer to treat because most patients present with extensive stage disease. Unlike non-small cell lung cancer, treatments are more limited. Fortunately, the field continues to advance, and several novel agents are showing promise. In this episode of Lung Cancer Considered, host Dr. Stephen Liu discusses some of these promising therapies with Dr. Anne Chiang and Dr. Luis Paz-Ares.

Podcast Hosts:
  • Stephen Liu, MD, Associate Professor of Medicine, Director of Thoracic Oncology and Director of Developmental Therapeutics, Georgetown Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center, Washington, D.C., USA 

Podcast Guests: 

  • Anne Chiang, MD, Associate Professor and Associate Cancer Center Director for Clinical Inititiaves, Yale Cancer Center, Yale School of Medicine, New Haven, CT, USA
  • Luis Paz-Ares, MD, Head of Medical Oncology, Hospital Universitario 12 de Octubre, Madrid, Spain
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