LCC in French: Barriers to Biomarker Testing
Podcast | French | 2024 | 39 Min
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The IASLC released its 2024 Biomarker Survey, following up on its survey conducted in 2017 that found one-third of oncologists were unaware of evidence-based guidelines for these tests. To reach a global audience, IASLC has recorded podcast episodes on this topic in eight different languages. In this episode, host Dr. Alfredo Addeo discussed barriers to biomarker testing in French with Dr. Solange Peters and Dr. Maurice Perol. To take the survey, visit:

Podcast Guest Host:
  • Alfredo Addeo, MD, Professor and Chief of Oncology, University Hospital of Geneva, Switzerland

Podcast Guests: 

  • Maurice Pérol, MD, Head of Thoracic Oncology Program, Léon Bérard Cancer Centre, Lyon, France
  • Solange Peters, MD, PhD, Chair Medical Oncology, CHUV, Lausanne University Hospital, Lausanne, Switzerland
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