Role of the Pathologist in Managing Lung Cancer
Podcast | English | 2022 | 45 Min
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The role of the pathologist in lung cancer treatment has dramatically evolved as our understanding of lung cancer biology has advanced. Lung Cancer Considered host Dr. Stephen Liu discusses that evolution with renowned lung cancer pathologists Dr. Dara Aisner from the University of Colorado and Dr. Ignacio Wistuba from MD Anderson Cancer Center.

Dr. Wistuba is a Professor in the Department of Thoracic and Head and Neck Medical Oncology at the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston. He is the Head of the Division of Pathology and Lab Medicine and an expert in translational pathology.

Dr. Aisner is an Associate Professor in the Department of Pathology at the University of Colorado in Aurora, CO. She has expertise in Anatomic as well as Molecular Genetic Pathology and is the Medical Director of the Colorado Molecular Correlates Laboratory.
Dr. Stephen Liu
Dr. Dara Aisner
Dr. Ignacio Wistuba
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