Smoking Cessation and Stigma of Lung Cancer
Podcast | English | 2022 | 43 Min
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Providing smoking cessation without contributing to the stigma faced by those who smoke is a worthwhile goal. To discuss this in greater detail, Lung Cancer Considered host Dr. Narjust Duma welcomes Dr. Jamie Ostroff, Dr. Matthew Steliga, and Jim Pantelas. Dr. Ostroff is the Joseph Gaumont Chair of Cancer Prevention and the Director of the Memorial Sloan Kettering Tobacco Treatment Program and Dr. Steliga is an Associate Professor in Surgery at the University of Arkansas Medical Center and a member and past chair of the IASLC Tobacco control and smoking cessation committee. Mr. Jim Pantelas is a patient advocate and activist who collaborates with organizations like the Lung Cancer Research Foundation (formerly known as Free to Breathe) and the Lung Cancer Alliance.
Dr. Narjust Duma
Dr. Jamie Ostroff, Dr. Matthew Steliga
Jim Pantelas
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