The second leading cause of lung cancer is air pollution. Air pollution exposure and mechanisms of carcinogenesis are complex. Although air pollution and smoking are synergistic in increasing lung cancer risk, air pollution can increase the risk of lung cancer even in those who have never smoked. Air pollution can worsen lung cancer survival. The number of estimated attributable lung cancer deaths has increased by nearly 30% since 2007 as smoking has decreased and air pollution has increased. This webinar reviews the epidemiologic data linking air pollution to lung cancer. As India has severe issues, one presentation will focus on those. A discussion of what we and our patients can do to minimize exposure will occur. The role of reducing emissions from the healthcare sector and what we can do as healthcare providers will also be discussed.Brought to you by IASLC's Screening & Early Detection Committee
"I have at present or have had within the last 24 months, a financial relationship with one or more ineligible companies."These relationships with ineligible companies have been mitigated by the International Association for the Stufy of Lung Cancer (IASLC). All other presenters, planners, editors, or staff report no relationshops to disclose:"I do not have at present nor have had within the last 24 months, any financial relationships with ineligible companies."
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