The Importance of Waiting for Biomarker Results in NSCLC
Podcast | English | 2024 | 50 Min
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Biomarkers are essential in lung cancer treatment, but they remain underutilized. In addition, clinicians and patients have to wait for those results before starting therapy. In this episode of Lung Cancer Considered, host Dr. Stephen Liu guides a discussion about biomarkers and some of the challenges and issues they create.
Podcast Hosts:
  • Stephen Liu, MD, Associate Professor of Medicine, Director of Thoracic Oncology and Director of Developmental Therapeutics, Georgetown Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center, Washington, D.C., USA 

Podcast Guests: 

  • Mark Kris, MD, William and Joy Ruane Chair in Thoracic Oncology and Professor of Medicine, Weill Cornell Medical College, New York, NY, USA
  • Aurora Lucas, EdD Candidate, Lung Cancer Patient Advocate, Illinois, USA
  • Ilit Turgeman, MD, Thoracic Medical Oncologist, Lin Medical Center and Carmel Hospital, Haifa, Israel
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