2023 World Conference on Lung Cancer (Posters)
P1.14. European Lung Cancer Screening Implementati ...
P1.14. European Lung Cancer Screening Implementation: 4-IN-THE-LUNG-RUN trial - PDF(Slides)
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Pdf Summary
The European Lung Cancer Screening Implementation (4-IN-THE-LUNG-RUN) trial aims to develop and implement the most optimal and personalized CT lung cancer screening program for high-risk individuals. The trial will recruit approximately 900,000 individuals from five European countries. The study will use both a population approach and individualized tailored screening approach. In the Netherlands, individuals aged 60-79 from the general population will be targeted using standard paper, standard online, or tailored online invitations. The inclusion criteria for the study are individuals aged 60-79 with either 35 pack years as a current smoker or 10 years since cessation, or a PLCOm2012NoRace risk of 2.60%. All included participants will receive a single baseline low dose chest CT scan, and those with a positive baseline screen will receive two more screens with an annual screening interval. Individuals with a negative baseline screen will be randomized into either the standard annual screening arm or the risk-based biennial screening arm. The trial will assess the safety and effectiveness of a personalized risk-based less intensive screening regimen compared to a standard screening regimen. The expected number of participants in the next two years is 26,000. The primary endpoint of the trial is to compare the cumulative hazard rate of stage I/II cancers between the two randomized groups, and secondary endpoints include rates of interval cancers, costs, effectiveness of recruitment, screening, and smoking cessation strategies, and gender differences in lung cancer risk and screening effectiveness. The trial is funded by the European Union.
Asset Subtitle
Matthijs Oudkerk
Meta Tag
Matthijs Oudkerk
Screening & Early Detection: Implementation
European Lung Cancer Screening Implementation
CT lung cancer screening
high-risk individuals
population approach
individualized tailored screening
low dose chest CT scan
risk-based biennial screening
screening regimen
lung cancer risk
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